Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Transitioning Well

Transitioning Well

So I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do. Then the word of the Lord came to me: “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. Jeremiah 18:3-6

BCF is in the potter’s hand. For quite some time He has been reworking BCF. Jim warned us that this would happen when he became Bishop. Joshua and I would carry something different, something new. Just like when we transitioned out of worship directors, Phil and Abbey have led us into something new, we have gone places that Joshua and myself couldn’t have taken you. That is a good thing and how it should work. We all bring something to the table. 

As a result, in this reworking, many of you have begun to feel the reworking in your own lives. 

The transition.

Transition: the process or period of changing from one position or state to another. A change. A shift. 

The change from one state to another. 

The shift. 

And this is good. 

Our building is even experiencing the change and almost reflects the inner working happening in the body. 

The washing 

  • What worked in one season no longer works for this season 

  • Water is poured over the clay 

    • Symbol of Holy Spirit working 

  • The Lord spoke that He would wash us in water and then send His fire.

Even during our Father’s Day sermon there were prophetic words given regarding promotions and change. 

In our conversations, we are hearing so many are no longer comfortable with where they are at. 

-Some are unsettled 

-Some are longing to build the things of the kingdom 

-Some are longing for eternity 

-Some feel the Lord calling are attention to specific areas

-Some are literally taking a major step of transition and are being baptized! 

There is a reworking occurring because we are in transition. 

The last sermon preached here at BCF was that we are moving on. 

Joshua reminded us that we are moving into the promised land and in order to get there we had to:

  1. Be Spirit-Led 

  2. Operate in Praise and Thanksgiving 

  3. Believe Him (believe His words)

This is all so good!

At BCF, we want us all to transition well, we don’t just want to get where we are going, but we want to go with Jesus. We want to walk at His pace and allow Him to lead the way. 

How do we do this?

How did Jesus do this?

Times of Transition for Jesus:

  1. Start of His ministry 

  2. Transfiguration 

  3. Before facing the cross 

  1. Start of His Ministry (BAPTIZED & THEN TEMPTED)

    1. He was led by the Spirit to the wilderness to be tempted there. 

      1. Matthew 4:1

      2. Interesting that before He even starts He is being tempted 

        1. The battle begins before we even start because the enemy doesn’t even want us to get started 

        2. NOTE: The enemy was tempting Him with shortcuts to get where He was meant to get. 

          1. He would multiply bread and convert little bread to much bread (rocks into stone)

          2. He would experience death and be resurrected (thrown from a cliff and face no injury)

          3. He will receive all glory and every Kingdom will kneel to Him as Lord of Lords. (bow to me and I will give you)

        3. The enemy loves when you take the shortcuts because then you miss out on the fullness of what Jesus has for you. 

          1. This is why we will move at His pace. We will not operate in hurry or rush, BUT WE WILL ALLOW HIM TO LEAD US. 

      3. What can we do? 

        1. Allow Him to set the pace 

        2. Obey God quickly and thoroughly 

          1. We hear God through 

            1. The word 

            2. Solitude 

            3. Silence 

              1. Aka God encounters 

            4. Fasting 

              1. These things keep us focused on Heaven’s realities 

  2. Transfiguration & Gethsemane 

    1. Matthew 17:1-13 & Matthew 26:36-46

      1. Jesus had an inner circle 

        1. Transition is not an excuse to isolate 

        2. It is a time for silence, solitude and intimate community 

      2. Transfiguration was an opportunity for Jesus’ inner circle to be a witness to what God was doing through the life of Jesus. 

        1. V.5 “This is my dearly beloved Son who brings me great joy. Listen to Him.”

        2. It is good to have witnesses who know what God is doing, saying to you and experience it with you. 

          1. The power of encountering God together! 

      3. During these times of transition, Jesus prayed with His inner circle and got away together.

        1. Intentional time to encounter God together 

          1. Not neglecting the cooperate, larger God encounters 

Where do we go from here?

  1. Bring people in. 

    1. Establish a healthy inner circle 

  2. Encounter God together 

    1. Cooperate gathers & inner circle 


  3. Fast 

    1. Cooperate Fast in August 

    2. Before Presbytery 



Heaven's Reality

Heaven's Reality