Photo by ByTheMaker
Men and women were and are designed to think, speak and behave like God. We are designed to share this way of life with one other and spread it throughout the earth. Humanity was created to be “image bearers,” God’s created and adopted sons and daughters. Those who choose to follow His son Jesus are those image bearers, the church (Ecclesia). The buildings where we meet, the denominations we may belong to, the organizations, and political/philosophical affiliations we may hold to are all poor attempts at recreating what we already are, sons and daughters who represent their Father in lifestyle and relationship. Just like children we carry our Father’s DNA and represent Him in the ways we think, speak and behave. The We Are Ecclesia Blog is a place where we explore what this holistic lifestyle looks like in everyday life, for everyday people. We believe a holistically healthy life is the one intended by our Father; a life lead by His Holy Spirit and confirmed by the Word of God.
Holy Spirit is doing amazing things in our local church community. Raquel and I wanted to bring you all along for the ride by sharing just a little of what God has done in the last 18 months.
Thanksgiving gives you access to a Kingdom perspective. When we start with thanksgiving we set ourselves up to be able to see how Jesus is working in the midst of our life: including the hardships, trials and circumstances.
Big idea: Find your rhythm. Get creative and invite Jesus into the space and time you have set apart to meet with Him. If you don’t know how to start or begin, ask Him. Don’t be afraid to mess up. Jesus loves spending time with you. If you make the effort to meet Him, He will show up; that is all that matters.
Showing up is always worth it. Even now, in the midst of chaos in the world, I say these words to you: Show Up. Show up for Him. Come to the Temple. Come to the Holy Places. Do not forsake the gathering, especially now as the day of His return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:25)
Sometimes, work feels like work and serving is hard to do, especially when you’re not guaranteed anything in return. We all have seasons like this. God brings us into places in which we can’t help but wonder: Why am I here? How could I possibly serve here?
Fear. Is. Not. Fun. It pretends to have our best interests in mind, pretends to protect our deepest insecurities, but fear is a liar. It’s only purpose is to prevent.
As I behold Jesus, He is reflected to me like a mirror. I meditate on who He is. I observe His character. I gaze upon His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. I begin to be transformed.
The Father’s heart is never to bring you shame, but to bring you freedom. The Father’s heart is to provide you with a safe place to be intimate. In this intimacy, The Father’s heart is to know you and for you to know Him because He desires to make you whole.
Today, we need to see the same. Our world, our nations, our communities need to encounter the power of The Omnipotent. As the church, we should be experiencing it on the regular. We should be walking advertisements, displaying the immense power of Jesus in our lives.
What a word. It means Jesus is everywhere, all at the same time. The way He is with me, He is with you. Time Zones mean nothing to Him. In fact, His time isn’t even our time. This means past, present and future don’t mean the same things it means to us.
Sermon Notes
When we fast in ways that please the Lord, we can safely expect to experience these four supernatural results. Join us this morning as we examine them in greater detail.
What is fasting? Why should we fast? Does God care how we fast? What does it mean to fast in a way that PLEASES God? Join us this morning as we look to the word of God to answer these questions.