Holy Spirit is doing amazing things in our local church community. Raquel and I wanted to bring you all along for the ride by sharing just a little of what God has done in the last 18 months.
Holy Spirit is doing amazing things in our local church community. Raquel and I wanted to bring you all along for the ride by sharing just a little of what God has done in the last 18 months.
Thanksgiving gives you access to a Kingdom perspective. When we start with thanksgiving we set ourselves up to be able to see how Jesus is working in the midst of our life: including the hardships, trials and circumstances.
Big idea: Find your rhythm. Get creative and invite Jesus into the space and time you have set apart to meet with Him. If you don’t know how to start or begin, ask Him. Don’t be afraid to mess up. Jesus loves spending time with you. If you make the effort to meet Him, He will show up; that is all that matters.
Showing up is always worth it. Even now, in the midst of chaos in the world, I say these words to you: Show Up. Show up for Him. Come to the Temple. Come to the Holy Places. Do not forsake the gathering, especially now as the day of His return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:25)
Sometimes, work feels like work and serving is hard to do, especially when you’re not guaranteed anything in return. We all have seasons like this. God brings us into places in which we can’t help but wonder: Why am I here? How could I possibly serve here?
Fear. Is. Not. Fun. It pretends to have our best interests in mind, pretends to protect our deepest insecurities, but fear is a liar. It’s only purpose is to prevent.
As I behold Jesus, He is reflected to me like a mirror. I meditate on who He is. I observe His character. I gaze upon His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. I begin to be transformed.
The Father’s heart is never to bring you shame, but to bring you freedom. The Father’s heart is to provide you with a safe place to be intimate. In this intimacy, The Father’s heart is to know you and for you to know Him because He desires to make you whole.
Today, we need to see the same. Our world, our nations, our communities need to encounter the power of The Omnipotent. As the church, we should be experiencing it on the regular. We should be walking advertisements, displaying the immense power of Jesus in our lives.
What a word. It means Jesus is everywhere, all at the same time. The way He is with me, He is with you. Time Zones mean nothing to Him. In fact, His time isn’t even our time. This means past, present and future don’t mean the same things it means to us.
Brothers and Sisters, our world desperately needs to see faith trending. Who better than the Bride of Christ to display the gift of faith. You have received faith. You possess faith. May it be activated in you today
However, here is the reality.
I am called to write. I am called to write and share. I am called to write and post it here.
My job is to obey.
No man-led movement on this earth will ever be big enough to produce the change we need to see. We need a Christ-led movement.
I want to leave my boys a legacy that is more valuable than any amount of money or property. I beIieve in discipleship and want my life to be a model for them, one that invites them to follow because they have seen that Jesus is in fact who He says He is.
Jesus was setting me free and that is the power found in taking Jesus at His word. This what can happen when we choose to partner with Jesus. These are the results of remembering His words and storing them up in your heart and mind. This is part of the gift of salvation. We become His and storehouses of wisdom are unlocked for us.
Jesus was constantly sneaking away to be with Father God in the secret place. Early mornings, late into the night, even in the middle of miraculous healing crusades. Jesus’ earthly priority was meeting with the Father in the secret place. Want to know why? The secret place was the source of Jesus’ power and authority.
Jesus has a plan for me and His plan doesn’t include bossing me around. Jesus has a bigger and better plan for His children than that. Jesus has called me His co-heir, co-laborer and partner.
We get to choose to be like Jesus in our service. This means that the next time our kids come to show us something or our spouse really wants to talk or a friend needs a listening ear, we can take a moment to consider the opportunities presented. The opportunities to serve our kids, to demonstrate love to our spouse, to show compassion to a friend, to be merciful within our community and to bring Jesus glory.
This is what I believe the discipline of worship is like. Not so much a decision to “do worshipful things,” so much as deciding to get into His presence and respond.
I believe the discipline of worship is a response to being with Jesus.
This is why I prefer to wait until the majority of the other disciplines are explained and experienced, before discussing the discipline of worship. The more we learn about Jesus, the more we think about Jesus, the more we experience Jesus, the more fully we can practice the discipline of worshipping Jesus.
Your life will never be perfectly balanced, but you can engage in rhythms that will help you maintain health in seasons of stress or seasons of ease. The discipline of Sabbath Rest is one of them.