Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Spiritual Gifts: Word of Wisdom

Spiritual Gifts: Word of Wisdom

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b] 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. 

1 Corinthians 12:4-7


Holy Spirit still works today. The supernatural work of Christ did not end when He ascended, nor when the last capital “A” apostle died. In fact, Jesus said greater things we would do! He said it was better for Him to leave so His Spirit could come. He sent His Spirit so we could co-labor with Christ and expand Kingdom territory. The gifts are given for the common good and for the edifying of the body. We all get a gift and are all meant to bring that gift to the table. We can have more than one gift, we can ask God for more gifts, but no one gets them all because then we wouldn’t need the body. We may operate in some gifts for a season or to fill a need, but only Christ could walk in them all because Christ was the PERFECT model for us! Now, there are a number of spiritual gifts. Each one of those spiritual gifts fall under at least one category. They are: the Gifts of the Spirit, the Gifts of the Son, the Gifts of the Father. Today will continue with the gifts of the Spirit: the word of wisdom. 

What is a word of wisdom?

A word of wisdom is God’s supernatural plan and strategy for a situation. 

With this gift comes a supernatural empowerment from the Holy Spirit. The word of wisdom cannot be achieved by our experience or intelligence, but it is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit working in our lives to provide a plan and strategy for a situation. 

This gift allows us to access a little piece of God’s total wisdom (omniscience). A little piece of His wisdom because God knows we would not be able to handle it all at once. 

A word of Wisdom is directive

Ecclesiastes 10:10 says:

If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength; but wisdom [to sharpen the axe] helps him succeed [with less effort]. (AMP)

You may be in a situation where “the tree needs to come down”, but wisdom is directive and provides strategy for a situation. Wisdom says “sharpen that axe before trying to cut it down”. (gives direction)

A word of wisdom is also critical for the common good because we may have a lot of knowledge (information), but what is it worth if we don’t know what to do with it. We may prophesy, we may discern, we may interpret tongues, but knowing what to do with all those manifestations of the Spirit is necessary. 

“The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly…” Pro. 15:2a (NKJV)

A word of wisdom allows you to use knowledge (what you know) rightly. 

This is why we must bring all of our gifts to the table. Some may have discerning of spirit, some word of knowledge, some a word of wisdom. We are all essential to the building up of the body. One cannot build alone. We must all build together with our different gifts surrendered to the work of Christ. 

Biblical Example

There are many biblical examples of men and women of God receiving a word of wisdom. Today we will briefly look at the life of Daniel. 

In chapter 1 of the book, we are introduced to Daniel. Daniel was a Jewish exile living in Babylon and was given several spiritual gifts including, the gift of word of wisdom.

Daniel 1:17 reads:

17 God gave these four young men (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) an unusual aptitude for understanding every aspect of literature and wisdom. 

Daniel was gifted in such a way that he was one of the few chosen to serve in the royal palace. 

When Daniel arrived in Babylon to begin his training, the king himself assigned Daniel and these specially selected men, a daily ration of food and wine from the King’s very own kitchen. (Daniel 1:5) However, Daniel knew that as a Jewish man, it would be considered unclean for him to eat from the king’s table. 

Instead of just refusing the King’s food, Daniel asks permission not to eat these foods. However, the chief of staff is concerned that if he does not eat from the King’s table he would become too pale and then the king would behead him. 

Daniel knew he could not eat the food from the King’s table, but Daniel needed strategy here (a word of wisdom). Had Daniel simply refused the king’s food, he would have been perceived as  rebellious and prideful against the king. However, a word of wisdom would allow him to walk humbly and in submission to the Lord, while honoring those put in authority over him. 

God gives Daniel a word of wisdom;God’s supernatural plan and strategy for the situation.

Daniel 1:12-16;19-20 reads:

 “Please test us for ten days on a diet of vegetables and water,” Daniel said. 13 “At the end of the ten days, see how we look compared to the other young men who are eating the king’s food. Then make your decision in light of what you see.” 14 The attendant agreed to Daniel’s suggestion and tested them for ten days

15 At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his three friends looked healthier and better nourished than the young men who had been eating the food assigned by the king. 16 So after that, the attendant fed them only vegetables instead of the food and wine provided for the others.”

19 The king talked with them, and no one impressed him as much as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. So they entered the royal service. 20 Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.

The results of obeying this word of wisdom were supernatural. Daniel could not have achieved this by his own strength, but there was a supernatural empowerment from God above that made a way when there was no way. 

How do we know this was actually a word of wisdom? 

Here are 5 signs you have a word of wisdom: 

  1. Comes from God at the right time (in season) 

    1. It is timely and in season 

  2. Submits to God and His ways 

    1. Daniel knew it would be wrong for him to eat from the King’s table. This word would allow Him to submit to God’s mandate in His life. 

  3. Honors God and those around us

    1. The word of wisdom still honored those put over Daniel. It was not puffed up, arrogant or rebellious. (Assigned Heaven’s value: “they are my authority, I will honor them.)

  4. Allows us to experience God’s favor 

    1. Daniel’s obedience allowed him to enter the royal service and win favor in the sight of the king. 

  5. Glorifies God 

    1. All would know that God was with Daniel. His life stood apart from the others, not to please man, but God. The king would see God’s hand upon Daniel’s life and declare that his God was the only God.  

Personal Testimony 

4 years ago my family and I were living in my sister in laws basement. Due to a series of unfortunate events (and disobedience on my part). It was a very difficult season for me. I was recovering from a traumatic delivery of my first born, the Lord was calling me to leave my dream career and pushing me into deeper waters of faith. Months prior He spoke to me in a dream and told me He want to give me a house. He showed me what it looked like and all. I was so overwhelmed at the time. I had no idea how to begin to walk in obedience at the time. I would start house hunting and then stop because it felt like too much and I had no clue what I was doing, nor did we have the funds to even be looking at houses. It all felt wrong. My actions told God, “you’re speaking to the wrong person at the wrong time”. (Have you been there?)

After quite some time in the basement, I would go out for morning runs. During those runs I would pray and ask God for strategy. During one of those runs, he spoke to me and said “Raquel, you stopped striking the ground”. At the time I was reading 2 Kings and knew he was referencing the story found in 2 Kings 13:18-19. It’s the story of Elisha’s final prophecy where he commands King Jehoash to strike the ground and he would supernaturally defeat his enemy. The king strikes the ground 3 times and Elijah reprimands him and says “Why did you only strike 3 times? You should have kept striking! Now you will only have victory 3 times, had you kept striking they would have been completely destroyed”

So when He said “Raquel, you stopped striking the ground”, I knew actually what He was referring to. He told me he wanted to give me a house, I made a few moves, I got overwhelmed and gave up on the promise. 

Cue the word of wisdom: The Lord told me “Don’t stop striking until you have looked into and used every resource out there for first-time home buyers. I will take care of the rest”. 

And so I took that word of wisdom and I took time to repent. I shared it with Joshua and Bishop Jim (GIFTS USED WHEN SUBMITTED IS SO MUCH BETTER! It’s God’s way!) at the time and boy did I strike the ground. I found grants and attended first time home buyer seminars. I knew more about home buying then anyone really would ever need to. Then one day, the Lord told me to share what the Lord had spoken to us with someone. I didn’t know why and was so scared. It seemed so weird and vulnerable. I told them about our living situation and that I was looking into grants and attending seminars and looking for more resources on home buying. Once I was done sharing, the person on the other line said good. “You keep doing that. Keep looking into every resource there is and I will take care of the rest”.  In that moment, my heart started beating because I remembered the words of Father God “Don’t stop striking until you have looked into and used every resource out there for first-time home buyers. I will take care of the rest”. 

A week later, the person invited us over to their home. They told us that the day we got married God told them to start saving because they would be used to help us put a down payment on our first home. The person handed us a check for $10,000 and by the end of the week because I had been obedient to follow the word of wisdom we were able to put down an additional $10,000 that we had received in grants from the state. $20,000 in one week all due to God’s word of wisdom. 

Church, this was a word of wisdom: 

  1. Came from God at the right time

  2. Submitted to God and His ways 

  3. Honored God and those around us

  4. Allowed us to experience God’s favor 

  5. Glorified God 

We have an opportunity today:

  1. Repent for sitting on a word of wisdom and not acting on it. 

    1. If you are uncertain ask God to root it in scripture 

    2. Bring it to godly counsel

  2. Repent for not waiting on the word of wisdom and operating in your own strength. 

  3. Ask God to be baptized in the Holy Ghost and receive the spiritual gift of a word of wisdom.

    1. “Let love be your highest goal and earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit.” 1 Cor 14:1

    2. “Earnestly desire the most helpful gifts” 1 Cor 12:32

  4. Commit to using the gift to build the Kingdom of God, expand Kingdom territory and expel the enemy. 

Spiritual Gifts: Word of Knowledge

Spiritual Gifts: Word of Knowledge

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