Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Stewarding Aggressive Expansion

Stewarding Aggressive Expansion

From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful (zealous) people have been seizing it (as a precious prize). Matthew 11:12

What is AE?

  • AE is the prophetic word for 2023 given to those who are members of East Gate 

  • As with every prophetic word we receive, this word has been rooted in scripture. 

  • Before John, God selectively chose men and women to experience and carry His presence, and expand His kingdom. 

  • Since John the Baptist, anyone zealous enough for the Kingdom of God can access it. Anyone hungry enough for the presence of Jesus can encounter it.

    • The violent take it by force!

      • The violent – biastes (G973) - strong, forceful, aggressive

    • Force – harpazo (G726)

      • To seize, carry off by force

      • To seize upon, claim for one’s self eagerly

      • To snatch out or away

    • Why? Because they understand its value 

      • Seizing it as a precious prize (AMP) 

  • The kingdom of heaven is filled with those who are zealous, passionate, aggressive for His presence

  • The kingdom is expanded by those who are zealous, passionate, aggressive enough to carry His presence everywhere they go.

  • Aggressive Expansion is an invitation for more of His presence: to take hold of more of Him in your life, your home, your career, in it all!

    • “Prophetic words are not a guarantee, but an invitation.” -Landon Schott  

      • I can hear the Lord beacon us: COME AND GET IT

        • “Do you want more of Me?”

      • Will we be known as the zealous ones?

  • East Gate, let’s contend with God in order to expand what He has given us corporately and personally. 

    • Contend for more of His presence in this House (Ez 43:1-5) 

      • “The glory of the Lord entered the temple through the gate facing east”

    • Contend with our flesh to submit to the Spirit of God (2 Cor 10:5)

      • “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

    • Contend with the world by tearing down ideology that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5)

    • Contend for the power of God in our lives (Matt 10:8) 

      • Raise the dead, heal the sick, cleanse the leper, cast out demons 

    • Wrestling with God til He blesses us with what He has promised us (Gen 32: 22-32)

Why steward this word?

  • If this is the word of the Lord for the members of this house, we are called to steward it.

    • This is not just a new year’s resolution. This is a word to steward daily in 2023 and beyond!

  • We see this in scripture. The Lord would give Moses a word for the people of God. The people had a responsibility to steward the word of the Lord. 

    • We see the results of Israel’s stewardship. 

    • The first generation did not enter the promised land.

      • They grumble at God 

      • They partnered with bitterness and offense 

      • They feared their enemies more than they feared the Lord  

    • Joshua and Caleb and the following generation were able to enter.

  • During Sabbatical, each fall, we get away to seek the Lord for His heart for the next year. (Rest, Renewal & Direction) 

  • As your pastors, we have a responsibility to hear the Lord on the behalf of the church. 

  • As we deliver the word, we all have a responsibility to steward the word together. Let it not fall on deaf ears. 

  • Church, we will be held accountable to how we steward His word to us. 

  • Warning: Psalm 81:8-9

    • Hear, O my people, while I admonish you! O Israel, if you would but listen to me! There shall be no strange god among you; you shall not bow down to a foreign god. I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.“But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me.So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels. 

      • “East Gate, I want my presence to aggressively expand in your life. Don’t ignore my word to you. Contend for more of My Presence in your life.” 

      • Ansel’s prophetic word 

      • Personal TRANSFORMATION as we have begun to steward AE

        • Marriage 

        • Parenting 

How do we steward AE in our life?

  • God made it clear to us at the end of the year into the start of the year that we were to steward Aggressive Expansion and it would begin with us. 

    • AE starts with you. 

      • Begin to pray the prayer points daily.

      • Put them in a place where you can meditate on them daily.

      • Declare the prayer points over your life.

    • Ground Zero 

      • Prophetic Word in Texas, confirming this word 

    • Fortifying the foundations of this house, the individuals that make up EG. 

      • AE starts in your home.  

  • Ask the Lord to highlight how He wants to continue/begin AE in you. 

    • Personal Testimony

Ministry Moment

A Triumphal Entry

A Triumphal Entry

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Heart for East Gate