Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Man of His Word

Man of His Word

Read John 20:1-18

The disciples of Jesus had been waiting for the biggest promise of their life to be fulfilled. For the Messianic Savior to come and deliver them from the hand of their oppressor forever. The disciples were convinced that Jesus was the Son of God, sent to deliver them. We can only imagine the ache in their hearts as they saw Him whipped, pierced, crucified and buried dead. John 20 tells us that Mary went to the tomb (along with a few other women) so that they may finish anointing the body of Jesus for burial. (as was tradition) John tells us that when they went it was still dark. 

  1. When it was still dark

    • This is what it feels like when you’re waiting for a promise to be fulfilled. 

    • Moments before you see the miracle/promise it will still seem dark

      • Still, empty or void, familiar

    • After the darkness, comes the light

    • Mourning may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. (Ps. 30:5)

  2. Stone taken away

    • Mary Magdalene knew first hand the power of her Savior. Jesus had delivered her from 7 demons. (Luke 8:1-3) She knew He was the Messiah and there she was in the dark and she discovers that the stone has been taken away. Her Savior, taken from her, his body was now gone, all hope seems lost. 

    • There will be things that seem like disappointments, but God is working in the midst of them.

    • When things don’t work out the way we expected or look like we think they should it is because God is working out a plan that is bigger and better than we could have imagined. (Is. 55:8-9)

    • The stone being rolled away, the body of Christ disappearing, seems like the worst news for Mary, but because we know the story we know it is actually part of the best news. The best part of this story is that the stone has been rolled away and that the body of Christ is gone from the tomb. 

    • May I submit to you that they are parts of your story that may seem like the biggest disappointments, but in reality God is working them out for your good. The enemy meant evil against you, but God meant it for good to bring about a glorious testimony in your life! (Gen. 50:20) 

  3. Not lying, but folded up

    • Mary rushes to tell the disciples what she has seen. She tells Simon Peter and John and they run to the tomb. When they get there, Simon Peter sees the burial clothes lying there, but the linen used to cover the face of the Lord was not covered, but folded, neatly in a place by itself. 

    • Many scholars believe Jesus did this on purpose to show that His body was not stolen abruptly, by thieves, but that it was all planned out. It was planned out thoughtfully, strategically and not in a rush. 

    • Listen, God is not in a hurry. 

    • His timing is not ours (2 Peter 3:8) 

    • He doesn’t have to rush

    • He is working out the perfect plan with the perfect timing. 

    • When we are waiting for a promise we have to know that. He is not in a rush. He has the perfect plan. His timing is perfect. 

    • Choose to believe that!

  4. Angels at the head and feet

    • Simon Peter and John head back home, but Mary remains weeping at the tomb. As she weeps, she sees two angels, one where His head had lied and the other where his feet rested. 

    • The angels said to her:  “Woman, why are you weeping?” John 20:13a

    • I find it interesting that the angels stood where His head had laid and his feet had laid. They stood at His beginning and His end. Why? Because He is the beginning and the end.

    • Alpha & Omega; What God started, Jesus finished. (Rev 22:13)

    • What He started in you He will finish!

    • You were not a mistake, you’re not too messed up, you are not too far gone, it hasn’t been too long…

    • He can and will fulfill His purposes in you.

  5. Jesus knows you by name…do you know Him by His voice?

    • 13 …She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” 14 Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Aramaic, “Rabonai!” (which means Teacher) John 20:13b-16a

    • Mary recognized her Master when He said her name. 

    • Jesus knows you by name…do you know Him by His voice? (John 10:27-28)

    • He is ready, willing and able to give you direction and guidance in the unknown, in the season you are in. 

    • He wants to teach you how to hear His voice. He wants to connect with you daily. He wants you to walk in obedience with Him. He longs for an intimate relationship with you and to be with you through it all. 

    • He wants to take the journey with you! Invite Him to meet you where you are. 

  6. I have seen the Lord!

    • After this beautiful encounter with the Risen King Jesus, Mary goes to tell the others. She announces to the disciples that she HAS SEEN THE LORD! 

    • This is the sweetest part of waiting for the promise! 

    • Once we see the miracle, once we have seen the promise fulfilled, we will be able to declare to all: I have seen the Lord! Look at how I have seen Him! 

    • Many of you have seen the Lord! Testify of what you’ve seen! We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. (Rev 12:11) 

    • Evening in your waiting, remember what He has done and declare I HAVE SEEN THE LORD! Look at what He has done! Look at what He will do! Hallelujah!

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