Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Come Eat & Drink

Come Eat & Drink

And just as my Father has granted me a Kingdom, I now grant you the right 30 to eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom. Luke 22:29-30

I love this verse. It is powerful and it is for us. Jesus spoke these words to his disciples at the last supper. It was passover and together, as they drank from the third cup (the cup of blessing), Jesus for the first time gave the 3rd cup a new meaning. In traditional passover, the 3rd cup was to remember the blood that marked the doorposts and had spared the first born of all the Israelites. 

Now it had a new symbolism, the broken body of Jesus and His shed blood. Redemption then came for us with His resurrection power. 

That is what we celebrate today and everyday. What Jesus has done for us. 

On Tuesday night, during prayer, the Lord gave me a vision. It was of people (I couldn’t see who) seated at the table of the Lord. They were sitting there, but they were not partaking of the feast at the table. 

As I sought the Lord this week, I knew this word was for today. I believe many of you are comfortable with the idea of having a seat at the table. However, for whatever reason: shame, guilt, fear some are not partaking of the table. 

See this verse, which we opened with, was not just for the disciples, but for us today. Jesus, because of what he did on the cross and because he rose from the grave has granted us all a seat at the table. 

*This is powerful imagery because when we accept Christ we receive a seat at the table. We become part of the family of Christ. Back in the day, only people worth honoring sat at the King’s table and Christ bestows us with honor and offers us a seat at His table. 

Like Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9) , a crippled (imperfect man) was given a seat at the table, alike we have been given a seat when we accepted Christ. We were broken, imperfect, abandoned, hurt, etc and Jesus invited us to sit with Him at his table, in His Kingdom. We get to operate in His kingdom now. 

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

But here is the thing, Jesus didn’t just give us a seat at the table, but he has invited us to eat and drink, to partake from the feast at the table. 

Taste and see that the LORD is good -Psalm 34:8 

*What’s at this table? 

  • The abundance He has for us.

  • The spiritual provision and blessings. 

  • Healing can be found at the table. 

We can partake from the table in many ways, receiving His good gifts for us, receiving His spiritual and physical provisions. There are so many way I could focus on. However, today, I felt led to focus in on a very particle way we can regularly partake from the table and that is through the gift of communion. 

Communion is so important and should not be something we only do on Good Friday. It is something we get to do. We get to participate in and should be a part of the culture of in house gathering and our homes. 

I love the word communion when we see it in reference to the bread (body) and wine (blood). 

The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 1 Cor 10:16

  • This is a reminder to the people that this cup of blessing has a new meaning.

  • Connection to Luke 22 (last passover)  

The word communion here is the greek word Koinonia and in this context it means joint participation. 

Why is this important? Let’s go back to the vision that the Lord gave me on Tuesday. Many were sitting at the table, but not participating at the table. 

As we have been learning Jesus has much more to say to us and because He has given us His Holy Spirit we can now bear it. (John 16:12)

The act of communion (to eat and drink) is a way to enter into partnership with Jesus. 

How do we enter into partnership with Jesus when we communion? 

When we participate in communion we: 

  • We retell the story of what Jesus has done. 

    • It is the full story/the full gospel 

      • What Jesus has done

      • Why He had to do it 

      • What it meant for you 

        • Your testimony 

      • What we are waiting for 

        • 1 Cor 11:26 “You declare His death until He returns”

  • We enter into renewal 

    • Mentally 

    • Physically 

    • Spiritually 

  • We are given fresh insight and clarity 

    • Our eyes are fixed on Him 

Why is this important?

  • We benefit from being in partnership with Jesus. Koinonia: joint participation. This helps us get spiritually adjusted. 

  • We all need what happens when we eat the bread and drink the wine. 

  • We all need the supernatural intimacy that occurs when we eat and drink at the table of Jesus, in His presence. (the remembering, the renewal, the insight, the clarity) 

  • Our stories demonstrates the power of Jesus 

    • Our children need to hear it

    • Our friends need to hear what He has done 

    • Our neighbors need to know 

How can we begin?

  • Practice communion at home. 

    • With your tribe 

    • With your family

      • Do this soberly and in right relationship with Jesus 

        • 1 Cor 11:26-32

        • If you sense conviction, it's the Lord's correction. Repent and allow Jesus to bring you back to the narrow path. 

      • Allot time for meditation, reflection and sharing the works of Jesus. 

      • Our testimonies have the power to lead people to Jesus


  • For those who want a seat at the table, who want to know the transformational power of King Jesus: Your story CAN start TODAY. Today you can leave this place transformed, healed, delivered, saved and set free.

    • You may be longing for this renewal 

    • You may be longing for fresh insight and clarity 

    • You may be longing for a fresh start 

    • You may be looking for redemption and salvation

      • The Man who can offer you this in a moment, is here. His name is Jesus. 

      • It is already yours for the taking, He already paid it all for you, no questions asked. 

    • We loved to pray with you. Core leaders please raise your hands. All these leaders are ready and willing to pray with you today.

    • We’d love to introduce you to Yeshua, the Messiah. 

Can we thank Jesus today for all that He offers us as a result of His surrender and sacrifice? Can we thank Jesus for the gift of communion? To jointly participate with Him? To experience renewal, insight, clarity and remember how far we had fallen and how we desperately needed Him. So that others might experience Him and be transformed by our King. 

Challenge: Take time to partake in communion at home. 


Hearing God: The Burden of the Fear of the Lord

Hearing God: The Burden of the Fear of the Lord

Hearing God: The Burden of Truth

Hearing God: The Burden of Truth