Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you. Psalm 118:25-26

On Palm Sunday, we reflect on the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem. On this day, the multitudes gathered declaring: 

“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” John 12:13

“Hosanna for the Son of David! Blessings on The One who comes in the name of the Lord!” Matt 21:9 

This was a direct quote from Psalm 118 and a fulfillment of prophecy. 

The original Hebrew of Psalm 118 reads: 

O Yahweh cause salvation (hosa’na!) 

O Yahweh cause prosperity 

Blessed is The One coming in the name of Yahweh

We bless you

From Your house Yahweh 

On Palm Sunday, this was fulfilled. The One they were waiting for had indeed come. The Messiah was making His entrance and the people acknowledged that He was the Son of David, the Messianic King that they had been waiting for.They shouted “Hosa’na!” pleading that the Messiah would cause salvation for their people. 

Though He was there to save, it was not in the way they hoped, nor expected. Jesus’ first coming offered peace to all. Reconciliation in order to walk rightly with God. 

They wanted a Savior who would set them free from their oppressors and destroy their enemies. 

He would indeed save them, but first through the offering of peace and relationship. 

When a military figure entered a town on a donkey, it was a sign of peace, but when he entered on a white horse it was a sign of triumph over his foes.

In Jesus' First Coming He offered peace to all men (Lk 2:14, Lk 1:79, Jn 14:27, Ps 85:8, Isa 9:6b, Micah 5:5, Jn 16:33, Ro 5:1-note, Eph 2:14-note, Col 1:20-note). 

His Second Coming, He triumphs over His enemies and brings judgment for all who have rejected Him (cf Heb 9:27, 28-note). Indeed, the Messiah will finally have His true triumphal entry as John records…

-CH Spurgen 

Similarly, we have been declaring Hosa’na. Lord, cause salvation, cause salvation to happen in the lives of our prodigals. Today the Lord is giving us an opportunity to declare Hosa’na over our prodigals. 

Yahweh, Hosa’na!

Yahweh, cause salvation!

Blessed is The One coming in the name of Yahweh

He is here. 

He is coming again. 

He has the power to save. 

He will save. 

Let’s cry out to Yahweh, Hosa’na

Surrender your expectations, surrender your timeline, surrender what you currently see with the natural eye and trust Him to be mighty to save and fulfill His promise to us over our prodigals. 

His timing.

His way.

He is the author and perfecter of our stories and the stories of our prodigals. There is no one better suited to write their stories.  (See Hebrews 12:2)

Yahweh, Hosa’na!

Yahweh, cause salvation!

Blessed is The One coming in the name of Yahweh

(aka you will do what you say you will) 

He is Risen

He is Risen

An Introduction to The Fruit of the Spirit