Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Behold Him

Behold Him

We all, with unveiled faces, behold the glory of the Lord as in a mirror. We are being transfigured  into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 

2 Corinthians 3:18 TPT

Have you ever been scrolling on YouTube, wondering what DIY you will watch next, when suddenly YouTube suggests you watch this next:

Baby reacts to seeing her mom for the first time.” 

Yea...I do you not click on that, eh? 

Sight is such a powerful gift. To think that now, with medical advancements, so many people can be blind and have their sight restored. 

This thought gives me all the good feels

And so does this thought... 

We once had a veil. 

We could not see. 

We were blind. 

But Jesus…

removed the veil

And now…

We get to behold. 

(Thank you Jesus.)

What a powerful word. 

To behold means:

  1. To see or observe a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one

  2. To gaze 

    1. look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought

This is a big deal because the verse above tells us that as we behold, we are transformed. 

*Bible Nerd Moment: The word is actually metamorphoō and “this is the same word used for Jesus’ being transfigured on the mountain (Matt 17:2 Mark 9:2) and for our transfiguration through the renewing of the thoughts of our minds. (Rom 12:2)”

What does this mean for us

To behold Jesus is necessary to our walk because it is the action that comes before our transfiguration. 

So if we want to look more like Jesus, act more like Jesus, think more like Jesus we must start by beholding Him. 

We must make beholding an active practice in our lives if we want to experience His transformative power.

The veil was removed from us for a purpose: to behold Him and then experience  transformation.  

The story has never been: I was blind, now I am perfect. 

But more like: I was blind, now I can behold Jesus and daily be transformed by His glory. 

We need this daily transformation because no matter who we are or how long we have walked with Jesus we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. It is only due to His active work (aka grace) in our lives that we can walk righteously. (Romans 3:23-24) 

As I behold Jesus, He is reflected to me like a mirror. I meditate on who He is. I observe His character. I gaze upon His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. I begin to be transformed. 

I can’t explain exactly how it happens, but neither can these guys:

Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4) 

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15)

Paul (Acts 9)

It’s supernatural. Yet, it is accessible. 

How can we begin?

The practice of  beholding is great to do at the start of your secret place because it sets the tone for the rest of your time with Him. It tells the Lord: “My sight will be placed on You. Let me see Your heart. Let me know Your will.” 

Here are practical ways to start your time of beholding Him:

  1. Worship: Create a playlist of worship songs that focus on Christ. Many songs in the “Christian genre” can lean it’s focus on the personal struggle or what we want/need from God. That is not a bad thing, but when we are trying to practice beholding Him we want songs that point solely to Him. Songs that sing of His power, His might, His glory: who He is. Check out this playlist which includes some of my favorites. 

  2. Journal: Create a section in your journal solely for praising Him for who He is or who He is showing Himself to be in your life. This is not the space for your prayer requests (also important), but to thank Him for how He is on display in your life. 

  3. Meditate: We did a whole blog on this, but this is time, typically in silence, to think about Him. This is a discipline so, start out small. One minute a day to just reflect on Him. Ask Jesus to bring words to your mind that describe Him. Once the minute is up, jot down what you heard or visualized. Declare who He is over your life. You can read more on this topic here

Taking time to intentionally behold Him is a new practice for me. However, what I have found is that after beholding Him, my struggles seem so much smaller, my anxieties fade, my fear dissipates because my eyes are placed back on Jesus. I leave my time with Him remembering who I serve. Like when a parent wants to get the attention of his child and gently places both hands on the child’s face and whispers  “look at me”. The child begins to calm, takes a deep breath and shoulders drop. The child is comforted as she looks at her parent. The same can be said of us when we make time to behold the Father; we find comfort in Him. 

That is what beholding has done for me. It is a gentle, yet big reminder of the God I serve and each time I leave marked by my Father. 

Now, scroll back up, click on that playlist and make some time to behold Him. You can expect to be transformed.   

Until Next Time,

We Are Ecclesia 

*Thank you TPT footnotes 

See 2 Cor 3:18b TPT for more

Fearless Love

Fearless Love

