Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Enter His Gates

Enter His Gates

Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4

Joshua and I have been waking up around 5am for morning prayer. We do this for a few reasons:

  1. It is one of the few times our house is completely silent. No distractions. No phones ringing. No kids crying. We love (and need) the silence and solitude with Jesus. 

  2. It is time for us to meet with Jesus together. At night, I am way too tired to war in prayer. I doze off too quickly. However, in the morning I am fresher and the cup of coffee can really help get me energized to pray. (Can I get an AMEN?) As a married couple, we need this time together. To present our requests to the Lord, to pray for one another, to seek direction together. It is so good.

Now don’t get me wrong, not every time do I hop out of my bed ready and eager to pray. Sometimes, we go to bed way too late. Sometimes, our kids have a rough night. Sometimes, I have a bad dream that leaves me feeling all yucky inside. (Ever been there?) 

On those days (which can be often), when I find it difficult to connect, to plug into prayer, or to keep my mind focused on Jesus, I am SUPER intentional about entering His gates with thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving is a huge part of my prayer life, but on days that I can’t seem to lean into prayer I make sure I start here. Something happens when you start your time with Jesus with thanksgiving. 

Think about this: Ever have a friend who always starts a conversation complaining about their life? Their stories are filled with the negativity, disappointment and frustrations. Within a few minutes, you are exhausted, drained and maybe even feeling a little negative ourselves. 

Then you meet with that other friend, who is honest and real about their struggles, but you leave refreshed because your friend shares how Jesus has been working in the midst of the trial. You leave encouraged because they are pressing into the hard things and choosing to see what Jesus is up to in the midst of the circumstance. 

Thanksgiving gives you access to a Kingdom perspective. When we start with thanksgiving we set ourselves up to be able to see how Jesus is working in the midst of our life: including the hardships, trials and circumstances. 

Thanksgiving sets us up to receive a Holy perspective so that we can see with the eyes of Christ. Thanksgiving is inward house keeping, dusting away bitterness, anger, frustrations, failures and shame. Thanksgiving reminds us of His faithfulness in the past and present, while filling us with hope for the future.

How can you begin? 

  1. Journal: Begin your prayer time by writing down 7 gratitudes and thanking Jesus for those things and how He has blessed you in those areas. 

  2. Worship: Throw on songs that thank God for all He has done in your life. Sing your heart out to Him. Get up and dance before Him. Break out in spontaneous worship declaring your personal praises for Jesus. Here is a playlist with some of my favorites: Songs of Thanksgiving

  3. Declare with your Mouth: Your words have power, especially when you speak them out loud. When you speak words out loud, it helps transfer the thought to your heart. Your gratitude is like medicine to the soul, bringing strength to your weary or anxious heart. 

You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into His presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him and affectionately bless His beautiful name! Psalm 100:4

May you enter His gates this week with the password of praise. May storehouses be unlocked as you enter His presence with thanksgiving. May your heart be refreshed as you remember the mighty works of Jesus. As He worked yesterday, He can work today and will work again tomorrow. Blessed be your name Jesus! 

Until Next Time, 

We Are Ecclesia 

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