Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


Welcome to the WeAreEcclesia blog. We hope you enjoy exploring!

The Adventure Begins Here:

The Adventure Begins Here:

It's a daunting time to start a lifestyle blog. We live in the age of information and digital crucifixion. If you believe and prescribe anything that someone disagrees with, you may not just be contradicted harshly, but demonized, and potentially ruined.

As imperfect followers of Jesus who view life through a biased (can’t help it, we’re human), but (hopefully) biblical paradigm, there is a lot of room for disagreement. Our goal is not to educate, nor is it to proselytize (or convert) you. We want to share with you how following Jesus has holistically impacted our lives for the best. We believe the bible is like a sign, a map, or footprints, that lead us to Jesus, and thus the Father and our Creator. We believe that Holy Spirit shows us the way life was intended to be lived, in its fullness, and empowers us to try our hands at it.

I do not believe that we have made it very far in this adventure. If I had to guess I would say we haven’t even scratched the surface. I do however, believe that we are doing something right. We wouldn't have started a blog if we didn't think so! Haha. We would love to share what we have been doing, why we do it, and how it has impacted our lives holistically for the better. 

Our hope is that you would hear and believe us, desire some of the same changes in your life, and start asking the questions that lead you to explore the bible and following Jesus for yourself. 

We are not special cases, we are broken, we are fallible, and we are hurt just as much as everyone else. We do however, know that we are a son and daughter of the Most High God and that He is a good Father. We know this for ourselves, we have experienced it in the midst of tragedy and loss and we would love to share our knowledge and experiences with you.

If/when you continue to read our content, we want you to know that it's ok if you disagree with us. A lot of it might make you uncomfortable, or anger you, or fly in the face of things you have been taught for years. Some of you may be able to seemingly destroy our theological beliefs or philosophical positions. 

Our concern is not the meticulous defense of our theologies or philosophies. So much of life feels like a paradox that we don’t have the answers to. Hey, some of your comments might even spark some changes in the things we thought were true! 

Our desire is for potential readers to know that they have been created with intention, and if they truly seek after it they will find the truth, their identity, and purpose in the person of Jesus Christ. I know that sounds small/narrow minded. It is. But our lives have bellowed this truth from the moment we gave Him our yes and decided to follow after Him the best we could. 

We won’t try to hide our flaws or brokenness. We will probably overshare them. But we hope that in seeing our flawed and broken humanity contrasted to the wonderful life we lead, you will become curious. We pray that curiosity leads you to read on and on and discover the deep magic behind our lives for yourself. 

So, to all of our potential readers… please read on, and struggle well with what you read.

Joshua and Raquel Rivera

In Pursuit of Abundance

In Pursuit of Abundance