Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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For the Lord has a hidden storehouse of wisdom made accessible to His godly lovers.

He becomes your personal bodyguard as you follow His ways,

protecting and guarding you as you choose what is right. 

Proverbs 2:7-8

I had an anxiety attack on Monday. That has been a thing this pregnancy that has tried to make its way back into my life. Years ago it was a common occurrence. I’d have trouble sleeping, breathing and eating. However, after serious biblical counseling and inner healing I learned how to get healthy. I learned how to heal from traumatic experiences and manage oncoming attacks. 

So when these attacks started up again, I was shocked because I hadn’t experienced them in years. The pain in my chest was haunting as much as it was present and real. 

It is said that pain can be a sign that something is not being handled in your life. And in this case it was true. 

During these series of panic attacks, I have found that my body is trying to get my attention. It is trying to make me aware of thought patterns that are harmful to me and must be removed. Now I am not saying that panic attacks are good for you, helpful or we are meant to live with them. I do believe that through Jesus Christ and the practice of disciplines we can find freedom from these attacks. However, I am saying that I believe they do serve as a red flag, a warning, an alert to pay attention to our minds and bodies. 

What was my body trying to tell me? Why was it trying so hard to grab my attention?

Well, on Monday night, I felt one coming on. So I quickly ran to the office and shut the door. I sat in the office chair, covered my face with my hands and wept. Joshua must have sensed something was wrong and he came to the office and began to pray for me. I got it all out. It took a long time to get me settled. Joshua asked me if I felt better and I said, “no.” I knew I still needed to journal. I needed to process this with Jesus and find out what was going on. I needed to get to the root of it. 

I journaled it all out. It was not pretty. All of my real, raw and honest thoughts were passionately scribbled in my journal. Then after writing all the things that were pressing within my mind, something happened. 

I went from writing all of my feelings to writing down my first real truth. 

I wrote down:

“Though working from home has come with its complications and challenges for our family...I am so grateful it is me that Ezra has at home because I know that I am the girl for the job.

In that moment of truth telling, it was as if someone had unlocked the floodgates of truth because I just began to write more of it. I began to remember all the things the Lord has spoken over me this season and His promises to me. 

I remembered my storehouses. 

See back in 2018, Jesus began to speak to me about storehouses. 

Jesus began to show me that He had hidden storehouses made accessible to me. In those storehouses, I would find wisdom. He showed me that these storehouses were filled with His wisdom for me. All I had to do was seek and I would find these gems in His words. 

At the time, Jesus was speaking to me about wanting to give me a home for my family. Yup, He told me He wanted to give my family a house, which was wild because our bank account didn’t scream “First Time Home Buyer Ready!” So I began to pray into this and ask the Lord for strategy. It went something like this: 

“Okay Jesus, I understand you want to give me a new home, but how? What is my role in this grand promise? What should I do?”

And as I read His word, Jesus began to speak to me. He gave me strategy found in 2 Kings, the Psalms, Proverbs and all over the New Testament. 

What did I do with those words? 

I put them in a storehouse found in my journal. I marked a section off and labeled it “Storehouse: New Home”. There I wrote out all the promises He was making me and all the scriptures He was leading me to. 

Now here is the key: I didn’t forget about the storehouse. When doubt would come knocking, telling me I would never receive this new home or the loan wouldn’t go through or they wouldn’t accept our offer, I’d go to the storehouse. I would sit in bed and boldly declare His promises. I would remind myself of what He told me, showed me and spoken to me. I would declare that I would see it come to past. 

This helped me partner with Jesus (more on that here). It increased my faith and kept me focused on what Jesus was saying. I started making storehouses for everything. A storehouse for my marriage, for my son, for my current pregnancy. Shoot...I even created a Spotify playlist labeled “Storehouse”. I started adding songs that aligned with promises Jesus was making me in 2019. Whenever I felt discouraged and doubt would come, I would just play it. I would play it in the car, the kitchen, during secret place, in the bathroom and I would worship my heart out to it. I would submerge my mind in truth. 

Fast forward to Monday...sitting in my office, crying my eyes out, journaling out all “the feels” and then remembering the truth...the storehouses

Man, after writing out that first truth I felt the Lord nudge me and tell me: 

“Remember the other truths? Go to your storehouse.”

And so I did and this time I wrote them down again in my journal as I spoke them aloud. 

  • This sacrifice will be worth it in the future. 

  • You provide our daily bread. 

  • You are a waymaker and promise keeper.

  • You are a light in the darkness.

  • Joshua and I will be a sign and wonder of Your provision.

  • Seek first Your kingdom and You will take care of the rest. 

  • Ezra needs his partner in ministry. 

  • Redemption is coming.

  • I will rest in You. 

  • I will show up for all the hard things. 

Some of these may mean nothing to you or make sense to you, but man, do they mean the world to me. As I declared these truths, archived in my storehouse, I felt the weight being lifted off of me. I felt the anxiety flee and I felt relief. I knew my personal bodyguard had shown up. I knew Jesus was protecting and guarding my mind as I chose to believe what He said to be right and true. 

Jesus was setting me free and that is the power found in taking Jesus at His word. This what can happen when we choose to partner with Jesus. These are the results of remembering His words and storing them up in your heart and mind. This is part of the gift of salvation. We become His and storehouses of wisdom are unlocked for us. 

Here is the challenge: 

  • What is Jesus calling you to partner with Him for? 

  • Ask Him for strategy. 

  • Write down everything He speaks to you. 

  • Create a playlist with songs that remind you of His promises. 

  • Reference the storehouses often. Remember what He is speaking to you. 

  • Share your storehouse with your tribe. Bring them into the process. 

Have you done this? Share your experience below. We would love to hear from you. We will be praying for our readers. 

Until Next Time,

We Are Ecclesia

Invited to Know and Trust

Invited to Know and Trust

The Secret Place

The Secret Place