Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Invited to Know and Trust

Invited to Know and Trust

“Let my children tell their children. Let this be their memory. That all my treasure was in heaven and you were everything to me.” -Stephanie Gretzinger 

The first time I heard the lines to this song I sobbed. The song put to words what my soul longs for, what all of me truly desires.

My soul craves, with every ounce of my being, to be swept away by my Savior. This means that no part of me would be tied to this world. (Oh, how I can become tied.) 

As a mom of two, my thoughts race: Will this be said of me? Can this be said of me? Where does Ezra see me find my treasure? Will Judah see that all my treasure is found in Jesus? Will they know that Jesus is my everything?

I know that at the end of the day, what matters is what Jesus thinks and says about me. 

Still, I believe in legacy. I want to leave my boys a legacy that is more valuable than any amount of money or property. I believe in discipleship and want my life to be a model for them, one that invites them to follow because they have seen that Jesus is in fact who He says He is.  

Let it be so Lord. Let it be said of me. 

“I’ll give you the best care if you’ll only get to know and trust Me.” 

Psalm 91:15 (MSG)

For my boys, that is the best place I can start, inviting them to get to know Jesus and trust Him as I do the same. I must model and I must invite.

That is where we all can start: accepting that invitation to know and trust Jesus.  

This is what I know: When I fought against Him, He pursued me and showed me a better way. When I refused to see what He wanted to give me, He kept extending His best to me. I ran and ignored Him. He patiently waited for me to come home to Him. 

This is why I trust Him: It would take hundreds of perfect days to receive an ounce of what He has given me during a moment in His presence. This has never stopped being true about my Jesus. 

Daily, I accept His invitation to know and trust Him. I take His hand and walk with Him.

Infinite Savior. Infinite Friend. My everything.

Note: This is an entry from times spent at night nursing my baby boy. These times with Judah have served as beautiful times of reflection and meditation.

Song: No One Ever Care For Me Like Jesus

This is for the Church

This is for the Church

