Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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This is for the Church

This is for the Church

...You lived in this world without God and without hope. But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were away from God, but now you have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

 Ephesians 2:12c-13 (NLT)

Once upon a time, we (without Christ) could have responded to the events that overwhelm our world without hope. But now, as children of the Most High God, we have a responsibility. We, as sons and daughters, have the holy duty to respond to the recent tragedies with the only true hope, Jesus Christ. 

More than a trending hashtag, more than a protest, more than a sermon, we need Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus can operate through all these means, but if He is not in them, lasting change cannot happen. This is because what we have here in the United States, is not solely ignorance, indifference, or corruption, but a heart issue. 

The only way to see lasting change is to see hearts transformed. 

Hearts that:

look like 

break like 

mourn like

speak up like 

refuse to quit like 

Jesus’ heart. 

God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Ephesians 3:10 (NLT)

See here is the thing, when we look like Jesus and act like Jesus,  it leaves more than just an earthy impact. This is the difference between the movement of Jesus and any other movement. 

Earthly movements make temporary waves in the natural, but kingdom movements move mountains in the natural and the supernatural permanently

Church, no man-led movement on this earth will ever be big enough to produce the change we need to see. We need a Christ-led movement. And here is the thing: God’s purpose was to partner with us to display His wisdom (in its rich variety) to all unseen rulers and authorities (aka bigger than any earthly ruler or authority we could be fighting against). 

So while you are here fighting battles against flesh and blood, the real battle is in the heavenly realms. And WE ARE THE PEOPLE FOR THE JOB! We are the missing link. 

How long, Church!? How long will we lay dormant while the actual battle is being fought in the heavenlies? How long will we stay asleep and NOT take our place as sons and daughters equipped to fight the war against division and dissension? How long will we waste time fighting in the most ineffective ways when God has given us the keys of the kingdom? Keys to unlock the heavenlies and tear down strongholds and demonic principalities! 

We could be moving BIG mountains, Church. We could be tearing down the principalities of racism, injustice, evil and deception. But we stay sleeping. 

Wake up Church. 

Stay awake Church. 

Stop simply singing “this is how I fight my battles” and actually fight these battles the way you know you should be. 


We Are Ecclesia 

If you’re not sure where to start, check out some of these resources: 

Spiritual Vision

Spiritual Warfare 

Obedience Unlocks

Obedience Unlocks

Invited to Know and Trust

Invited to Know and Trust