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Keep Fear From Trending

Keep Fear From Trending

“My Spirit remains among you, just as I promised when you came out of Egypt. So do not be afraid.’”

Haggai 2:5 NLT

Fear has been trending in 2020 and into 2021. From coronavirus, to racial tensions and presidential elections, fear has gripped our nation.

Fear has even made its way into the church. Church attendance has dropped drastically and some people are more afraid to step into their church building than they are to step into their local grocery store.

And don’t get me wrong, I get it.

This past year has been a lot. A lot of unknowns and uncertainties. We have had to confront a lot of issues and make choices we have never been forced to make.

The scripture above has been clutch in this season of life and the whole book of Haggai is timely for today. (It is a whole two chapters, so go read that bad boy.) When I came across the verse, it hit me

So many of us have come out of our personal “Egypts”. Broken relationships, addictions, depression, eating disorders, to name a few. Whatever it was that Jesus brought us out of, we know HE brought us out of Egypt.

This verse reminds us of those BIG moments when God showed up to our “Egypt” and then:

Speaks into our now. 

This verse reminds us that not only will He show up, but He is already there. The Spirit of God has never left and remains with us. We do not have to be afraid. 

In the midst of the present “Egypt” you may find yourself in HE IS THERE. His Spirit is with you and will remain with you just like He promised the day you first received Him.

So if fear is trending in your life, here are some tips to keep fear at bay:

  1. Fast from Fear: sounds strange, I know, but the beauty of fasting is that it reminds you of your proximity to God. A lot of people fast to get close to God, but the reality is your proximity to God doesn’t change, our perception of Him does. When we fast we submit the flesh and remind it of our proximity to God. So for 21 days, give up any fear inducing outlets; tv, news stations, social media. BYE! Be intentional about what you let in through the gates of your eyes.

  2. Speak Life: you know it well, life and death comes from the tongue (Pro 18:21). Be watchful of what you declare and allow to come from your mouth. Now, I’m not saying “live in denial and only say pretty things”, “don’t express your real feelings”, but for every one of your feelings expressed, respond to it with the truth of what Jesus says. 

    Exchange: “This year stinks already.”

    For: “This is hard, but how can I be more than a conquer if I have nothing to conquer? I will conquer this.”

    This takes LOTS of practice, but taking the time to cancel “death speak” will be good for your soul.

  3. Lean into the Community: WE NEED A SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY. The people you choose to surround yourself with will determine your outlook on life. If your circle is only encouraging your fearful thoughts, take a break from that circle. Surround yourself with people who will listen and acknowledge your feelings, but speak truth in love.

To those who have received and possess [by God’s will] a precious faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Peter 1:1 AMP

Brothers and Sisters, our world desperately needs to see faith trending. Who better than the Bride of Christ to display the gift of faith? You have received faith. You possess faith. May it be activated in you today. 

Let’s have our faith trending in 2021. 

Until Next Time,

We Are Ecclesia



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