Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


Welcome to the WeAreEcclesia blog. We hope you enjoy exploring!



Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

Hebrews 13:8 ESV

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, are three in one. 

The Holy Trinity: 

Omnipotent: all powerful 

Omniscient: all knowing 

Omnipresent: ever-present 

Jesus is Omnipresent.

What a word. It means Jesus is everywhere, all at the same time. The way He is with me, He is with you. Time Zones mean nothing to Him. In fact, His time isn’t even our time. This means past, present and future don’t mean the same things it means to us.

But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. 2 Peter 3:8 

Jesus is in our past. Jesus is in our present. Jesus is in our future. 

He was as consistent in nature yesterday, as He is today and will be tomorrow. 

So if Jesus is already in everything, all the time, why not bring Him into our everything, all the time?

We miss out when we don’t. 

When we don’t embrace His omnipresence in our lives…

We miss out on His omnipotence. 

We miss out on His omniscience. 

Church, we can’t afford to miss out on anything Jesus has to offer us.

We need a move of God in our nation, our communities, our gatherings. 

A move of God begins with Sons and Daughters allowing the omnipresent God to be ever present in their individual lives. 

This means: nothing is off limits. All of you, is all of His. 

Where do we start?

  1. Set a place and time to meet with God every day. No excuses. Expect to hear from Him. This is what we call the Secret place. Read more on that here

  2. Write down what He speaks to you. You could do this in the form of a Storehouse (we did a whole blog on that too: de nada). 

  3. Ask God for strategy. So many times, we get a word and we are hyped! Then months pass by and we wonder, “What happened with that word?”. Well, it is because we didn’t ask God what to do with it. When He gives you that fire word, ask Him what to do with it, and then...(wait for it) it

  4. Create a vision board (google it). This will help hold you accountable to what God has spoken to you. Write down His promises to you. Write down what He says about you. Write down what He has asked you to do. Post it in a place you will see every day. This is a great visual reminder of what God’s vision is for you and what your daily mission is.

  5. Make Jesus your friend. Talk to Him as you’re doing dishes. Invite Him to rest with you when you nap. Worship Him on the car ride. Bring Him into your thought life, talk to him about it. Discuss your struggles. Cry out to Him. Ask Jesus for His perspective on things. He wants to be in an active relationship with you.

  6. Bring in the community. I say this like every blog post, but we are meant to do this as a tribe. Bring in your people, share what the Lord is speaking, ask them to hold you accountable and update them along the way. Mourn the hard things.  Celebrate the victories.

As you press into Jesus, daily, your life will begin to change. It won’t always be easy, but it will be rewarding. You will gain identity, security, clarity, understanding and strength. His omnipresence has that effect.

Until Next Time, 

We Are Ecclesia 



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