Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography

Photo Credit: Nina Lily Photography


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Keep Showing Up

Keep Showing Up

She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer.

Luke 2:37b 

Anna is my favorite woman in the Bible. 

F A V O R I T E.

Here is why:

Anna was married for 7 years and then her husband died. 

Then something impactful enough happened in her life that she decided to devote all her days to dwelling and abiding in the Holy Place. She never left. Day after day, night after night Anna dwelled in the house of the Lord. 

We can rightfully assume Anna had encountered God because for possibly 84 years of her widowed life she became discipled in the practices of worship, fasting and prayer. 

This discipline and devotion to coming to the Holy Place led to great revelation as she became a prophet of the Lord. Such revelation was given to her, that when Jesus as a little one, came to the temple to be dedicated, Anna was able to recognize Him as the Messiah who would deliver the people of Israel.

The One they had waited for all their lives was here and Anna knew it

We know that only the Holy Spirit could have revealed this to her. She became the first female prophet to declare and see that the Messiah had arrived and He had come as a child. 

I could only imagine what Anna felt that day. What she had believed for, prayed for, fasted for, worshipped for had finally arrived and she was present to witness it. 

When I ponder the life of Anna, I can’t help, but pray that I would live like Anna. 

That I would: 

pray like Anna did. 

worship like Anna did. 

fast like Anna did. 

and show up like Anna did. 

Now, I am not praying that I would do things just like Anna did, but I am praying that I  would grow in devotion and discipline unto the Lord. 

One thing I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to seek him in his temple. 

Psalm 27:4 

Think on this: Anna showing up to the temple everyday allowed her to meet the Messiah face to face. She was able to:

see the Messiah.  

touch the Messiah.

praise and worship Him. 

be apart of prophesy fulfilled.

and encourage Mary and Joseph in their journey.  

Now think about this: If showing up to the Holy Place means that there is a chance I might:

encounter Him

hear from Him 

experience Him 

be marked by Him

be able to partner with Him…

I want to show up.

Every. Single. Time.

I want to be present for all God wants to do and I don’t want to miss a thing.

The possibility of encountering Him makes showing up WORTH IT because…

You won’t ever regret showing up for Him.

Even now, in the midst of chaos in the world, I say these words to you: 

Show Up. 

Show up for Him. 

Come to the Temple. 

Come to the Holy Place. 

Do not forsake the gathering, especially now as the day of His return is drawing near. (Heb 10:25)

Powerful things happens when we come the Holy Place because these places are set apart for Him alone. There is a reason we are urged to gather:

I need what happens in the Holy Place.

You need what happens in the Holy Place.

We all need what happens in the Holy Place.

He has prepared something especially for us in those spaces.

Don’t relent. Keep showing up.

Take advantage of every opportunity to come to the Holy Place.

I pray you choose to meet Him there.

Until Next Time, 

We Are Ecclesia 

Has it been a while since you have gathered at the Temple? Reach out to your local pastor. See what options are available to you so that you can gather and obey the call. Don’t have a pastor? Comment below. We would love to connect with you. 

For more on Encountering God in Community and why we need it check out these sermon notes.

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