Serve Where You're Planted
The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. Genesis 39:2-3 NLT
I used to love waking up for work. I was that odd teacher who would wake up in the morning excited to get to work because that meant I got to go see my kids-all 28 of them. I would get there an hour before them, prepare the atmosphere, often with prayer and worship and then I would teach my heart out. I taught 2nd and 4th grade for quite some time and loved doing it-so much so that on my summer breaks I would teach abroad for free.
Sometimes, work feels that way. You find so much joy in it, that you would do it for free. You would serve for nothing in return.
Then sometimes, it doesn’t. Sometimes, work feels like work and serving is hard to do, especially when you’re not guaranteed anything in return.
We all have seasons like this. God brings us into places in which we can’t help but wonder:
Why am I here? How could I possibly serve here?
Serving where you want to be is easy, but there comes a time in our lives in which we must learn to serve even when it is hard or inconvenient.
There are times where we must serve because we know we have been sent, placed or planted.
Joseph was forced to learn this lesson multiple times. In the verse above, we see that Joseph had just been sold by his own brothers
to some traders
who then sold him to Potiphar as a slave.
Rough. Really rough.
Joseph could have chosen to respond in many different ways, bitterness, anger, rage, hate, but instead Joseph chooses to serve in the place where he had been planted. (and by no means am I saying he did this perfectly or easily)
Joseph was able to choose service because God was with Joseph. God had not only planted Joseph in Egypt, but had remained with him.
As a result of God being with him as he served, Joseph succeeded in all he did. Potiphar recognized the favor of God in his life and made him second in command within his household (39:9).
This can teach us so much.
When God sends, places or plants you, He goes with you. God does not abandon His children when He moves them. Our God is a present Father who remains with us in the highs and in the lows.
If God calls you into something, He will equip you. When we embrace the call and choose to serve, His favor will be upon you to succeed. God will give you the ability to serve well wherever He calls you to.
When we serve where we have been planted, we point others to God. Blessings, favor and increase follow as we choose to serve. (I’m not just talking about temporary and material rewards, but more so the eternal and Kingdom rewards, which pales in comparison to the things of this earth.)
And now the application:
Jesus, during his time with the disciples, after a day full of service looked to his disciples and said “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”.
Friends, the same is true today. There is so much harvest to reap, but so little workers to reap it.
The discipline of service must be active in the church because our service points to Him and provides us with the opportunity to walk in the fullness of what He has for us in every season.
This is the heart of the blog. This blog exists because we desire to see Sons and Daughters walking in the fullness of what Abba, Father God has for you.
So, here is this week’s challenge:
Access your life. List all the places God has planted you in this season.
In a company?
Stay at home mom?
Local church community?
Take stock.
How are you serving in these places He has planted you?
Ask the Lord how you are meant to serve.
Do you trust The One who has planted you?
Ask the Lord to give you His perspective.
Does your service point others to Christ?
Choose to serve for His glory.
Affirm the call.
Declare that if He has planted you, He will be with you.
Declare that since He is with you, He will equip you.
Declare that as you choose to serve, His favor will be upon you.
The story of Joseph is so fitting for today because after his time of hard, challenging and difficult service, He is given the opportunity to confront his brothers and says:
“But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. “So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.” (Gen 45:7-8)
Joseph trusted God’s planting in His life, even when it meant hardship for him. Joseph understood that his life served a greater purpose. Joseph’s service led to the salvation of many. Joseph chose God’s perspective for his life.
May the same be said of us.
Walk in confidence. Walk full of faith. Walk expecting God to do powerful things through your service.
May we embrace all He has for us, everywhere He places us.
Dare to serve where you’re planted.
Until Next Time,
We Are Ecclesia