The Discipline of Giving

Jesus taught His followers that God would always care for them. ALWAYS. As followers of Jesus, we too can rest fully in the provision of our Father. In this passage, Jesus tells us not to worry about our needs because our Good Father will take all of them (and then some).

The Discipline of Fasting

Fasting, like other disciplines, is a gift. Fasting reminds us of our proximity to Jesus and the unlimited access we have to Him as sons and daughters. Fasting is not just something we do once a year, but a rhythm we exercise to reset and align ourselves with our Father.

The Discipline of Meditation

Noise. Pressure. Stress. From the moment we get out of bed in the morning, to the time we lay down at night, we are bombarded by noise and pressure. From what we listen to, to the things we watch and read, we are pressured into thinking like the culture around us.

The Discipline of Prayer

I’m sure you’ve felt them before. Moments where you were confronted by death, disease or the depravity of humanity and found your heart breaking. You’ve wondered, “why God would allow this?” Perhaps there were moments you were at work, school, church or at home and wondered if there was more to life than what you have been experiencing.

In Pursuit of Abundance

What did it looked like for us to begin this journey to holistically healthy and abundant life? Lets take a look while also introducing 12 practical disciplines that we have made a regular part of our lives. These disciplines help us pursue the abundant life God intends for us to live.